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Genealogical Reality and WGR

The Art of Truth, Knowledge, and Wisdom

Welcome to my Blog! I'm John F. Wolverton, a genealogical researcher that loves to solve deep, and seemingly unsolvable mysteries. I don't always win in solving the requested mystery; however, I always gain wisdom that I can share with my clients to help them move forward with their quest about their family heritage. I have over 30 years of experience in the field of engineering research and development that was easily transferred to the world of genealogy. My biggest weaknesses are also my strongest advantages. I'm a dyslexic, with ADHD and OCD; once I accept a client, I can't let their request go until it is resolved. That's why I never take more than three projects at any one time.

What can you expect from my Blogs? It will not be just about genealogy, but a multitude of philosophical musings that can help you understand and accept the reality of the information you may discover while deep diving into your family history. I'm sorry to inform you, but you are really not related to Barack Obama. However, your family did produce and sell moonshine.

"Respect for the Truth is an acquired taste." ~ Mark Van Doren. Where one of my mentors, Robert Fritz, says that "Reality is an acquired taste." and "Once you acquire it, you can't give it up." For me, the quest for knowledge leads to truth, and these truths lead to understanding the current reality and are the beginning of wisdom. Best Wishes on your genealogical journey!

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